Marie-Marthe Cousineau

Marie-Marthe Cousineau is a full professor at the School of Criminology of the Université de Montreal (UdeM) and Vice-Dean, Graduate Studies, Professional and Training Partnerships at the Faculty of Arts and Science at UdeM. Holder of a PhD in sociology (UQAM, 1992), a master's degree and a bachelor's degree in criminology from UdeM, she is the university director of the Trajetvi research and action SSHRC partnership (Trajectoire de vie, de violence, de recherche d’aide et de recours aux services des femmes victimes de violence en contextes de vulnérabilité) and of SAS-Femmes FQRSC team, among other contributions to research. Author of a hundred of publications and twice as many communications on provincial, national and international scenes, her fields of interest are grouped around violence against women: domestic violence, in the romantic relationships of young girls, and more generally in intimate relationships of women, forced marriages, violence committed in the name of honor, genital mutilation, and social and legal responses to such violence.
Francois-Joseph Lapointe

François-Joseph Lapointe, biologist and bioartist, is full professor at the Department of biological sciences, Université de Montréal. As a scientist, he has published over 120 papers ranging from phylogenetics to molecular systematics and population genetics. As an artist, he applies biotechnology, genetics and microbiome research as a means of creation. His work as a bioartist and performance artist has been exhibited at Musée de la civilisation (Québec), Transmediale (Berlin), New York Hall of Science Center (NYC), Ars Electronica (Linz), Medical Museion (Copenhagen), Science Gallery (London), and Centre Pompidou (Paris), among other places. His research and research-creation projects are funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et Technologies (FRQNT) and Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et Culture (FRQSC).
Vardit Ravitsky

Vardit Ravitsky is Professor at the Bioethics Program, School of Public Health, University of Montreal. She is President of the International Association of Bioethics and Director of Ethics and Health at the Center for Research on Ethics. She is also a 2020 Fellow and Chair of the COVID 19 Impact Committee of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation. Ravitsky is member of the Standing Committee on Ethics of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and of the National Human Genome Research Institute’s (NHGRI) Genomics & Society Working Group. Her research focuses on the ethics of genomics and reproduction and is funded by Canada’s leading funding agencies, such as CIHR, FRQSC, SSHRC, and Genome Canada. She published over 150 articles and commentaries on bioethical issues.