La Chaire McConnell-Université de Montréal en recherche-création sur la réappropriation de la maternité : libérer la parole et le corps des femmes Led by professors Marie-Marthe Cousineau, François-Joseph Lapointe and Vardit Ravitsky, the McConnell-UdeM Chair in Research-Creation on the Re-appropriation of Maternity is a project bringing together artists, researcher-creators, researchers and students who are interested in the contemporary issue of obstetric violence in a more general context of violence against women, as well as the re-appropriation of motherhood. Through artists’ residencies, exhibitions and interdisciplinary research-creation meetings, the Chair wishes to bring an original perspective to the medical and ethical issues related to reproduction and maternity, including the stages of procreation, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.
Our artists in residence share the evolution of their research and their creations via a blog. Follow the progress of their projects: